pondělí 21. května 2012

Intro alias This year to North again !

Due to different limitations has been quite hard to find interesting destination for this year (2012). Finaly decision has been made and Iceland was chosen. In comparison with Svalbard this journey should be more easy and relaxed, so lets see. This year there is also one more difference, this blog will be written in English. Reason is simple this year team is international, we have Jirka (already known from China 2011), Martin (myself) and Ivo my colleague from working in Vienna.

Trip will take place 2nd and 12th of August. We decided to take direct flight from Berlin to Keflavik, operated by Lufthansa, mainly due to reasonable price (300 euro) and best schedule. There were also some other options but not so good from Fly Niki or Iceland Express.

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